Commercial: Discovery Channel
Author: Asher Cross
Deathscythe and Heavyarms are flying through space, held up by easily-visible wires.
Inside, Duo and Trowa talk to each other, in bored, deadpan voices.
Duo: Hey, Trowa, I just found this great site, It's got everything from weapons stats to curing my dandruff.
Trowa: You sure need it, Duo, with your hair.
Duo: (half-asleep) Hey.
Trowa: Yeah, I've been there too. Did you know that Gundaniums, though made of the strongest metal in existence, burn up in Earth's atmosphere?
Suddenly, a stock-footage clip of the Earth heads toward them.
Duo: (screaming...well, sort of) Aah. The atmosphere. Aah.
Their Gundams suddenly catch on fire, and they continue "screaming"...