Commercial: Meow Mix
Author: Sara
Scene opens to Wufei and Sally. Wufei is working on Altron. Sally is reading a magazine while filing her nails.
Wufei's cellphone rings.
Sally looks up sharply, dragging the file across her nails in a loud rasp.
Sally: Don't get that, Wufei.
Wufei stares at the phone helplessly, torn between Sally's request and the ringing phone, and finally gives in to temptation. He answers the phone.
Wufei: (tentatively) H-hello?
Across the phone line: Meow!
Wufei: (excitedly) It's Baxter!
Scene cuts to a cat talking into a phone.
Baxter: Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow...
Announcer: Meow Mix. So good, cats ask for it by name.