Commercial: York Peppermint Pattie
Author: Sara
Heero: When I bite into a York Peppermint Pattie... (unwraps candy, takes a bite...) I get the sensation... (jumps on the coffee table, arms held out in 'airplane wings' formation) that I'm flying Wing Zero! In Bird Mode! Through space! Vrrooooommm! A nd I'm buzzing past L1 *Hi, Dr. J!* and then I do some barrel rolls...neerrroooommmm!!!...and then I'm flying through an asteroid field--whoosh, whoosh! vroooommm!...and...
All of the other pilots: (stare at Heero in total shock)
Heero: What...?
All of the other pilots: (shudder)
Announcer: York Peppermint Patties. Get the sensation!