Commercial: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Author: Jmi
Announcer: How Heero Yuy eats a Reese's.
Shot of Reese's Cup on table. Heero walks up behind table, Death Glares at candy, and pulls out detonator
Heero: Omae o Korosu!
Explosion fills the screen
Announcer: There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
Announcer: How Duo Maxwell eats a Reese's.
Shot opens on empty wrapper on table. Pans up to Duo who chewing and swallows quickly when he notices the camera on him. Puts one hand behind head and grins.
Announcer: There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
Announcer: How Chang Wufei eats a Reese's.
Reese's sitting on table [again]. Wufei walks up behind table and pulls out a sword. He takes a swing at it but stops before he hits it.
Wufei: This candy is too weak to fight. And I don't have any right to fight.
Wufei stalks out of the shot
Announcer: There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
Announcer: How Trowa Barton eats a Reese's.
Reese's is on the table [how original]. Trowa's 20 yards behind the table. He holds his arms out and springs into the air, turning 360 degrees, landing in a one-handed on the table. He picks up the Reese with his free hand and eats it.
Announcer: There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
Announcer: How Quatre Rabera Winner eats a Reese's.
Reese's is sitting on a table with a full silver tea service. Quatre takes a seat behind the table and sips from the tea cup. Gold glow shimmers in his eyes, as the corner of his mouth twitches.
Quatre: This candy has lost all reason. He pull a scale beam cannon from Spandex-Space. That's why I'm gonna destroy it all!
Picture fades with blast filling the screen.
Announcer: There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.